OK do you remove the paper from the dtfb


Some people do, but they replace the paper with tape. The FT designs won't work well with paperless DTFB.


Active member
i do for layering, I think foam on foam with gorilla glue is stronger than paper on paper with hot glue. In ft plans I'll keep it mostly on except sometimes inside the wing airfoil. Depends on the planes really. I like using different foamboards as well, for example Elmer's is much heavierbut more readily available here in canada. The paper is thick so it's heavy, however it holds paint well and is much stronger. I'll build spars and fuselage with elmers, sometimes depapering the inside. I'll use Adams for wings.

The paper adds strength, use your judgement when it's worth depapering or not.


Not most of the time, only when I need it to bend around something or when I want to glue to the foam and not the paper for strength, like when I attach a tail/rudder to a rear wing and I for get to make a tab-slot connection. Trust me if you glue a tail on top of a rear wing flat the tail will come loose because the paper pulls loose from the wing, to prevent that I just remove a strip of paper wide enough to glue the tail foam to the wing foam. On that note if you pre-cover with colored packing tape and want the glue to hold just trim the tape from the section that needs glued.


Driftin' with the wind...
For my 55% swappables I remove the paper on the insides of the wings and the inside of the fuselage.