Rise of the Drones



That term has been around for a very, very long time. From radio controlled WWII surplus aircraft (as targets) to Kill Platforms: Weaponized RPVs that our government uses to kill our enemies at will (our will of course).

We've subjected other countries to invisible attack for years now. If you are even suspected of planting an IED in a country we are at war with, you can expect to be killed without any warning from a clear blue sky.

I'm watching the PBS Documentary: Rise of the Drones

It's easy to see why the subject is controversial.

It's also very, very obvious that you can't stop technology.

It's also very obvious that (some) people don't like being watched.

One kernel of truth that I get from the documentary is that FPV falls under the category of 'Remotely Piloted Vehicle'. It means that a human is (mainly) still very much in the loop.
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