FT B25 Mitchell 3D Printed Parts

Part FT B25 Mitchell 3D Printed Parts v1

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I printed the FT B-25 Mitchell top turret in clear PETG, the Guns in Black and the base plate in Gray.
The Top Turret is split into 4 parts for easy printing, then is assembled with Super Glue. See Pics
The base plate is designed to fit into the standard cut outs in the top of the plane where the turret fits, and the prong holes should all line up. If they don't fit, you probably need to turn it around. This plate is then glued into place with Hot Glue. This assembly still allows you to remove the top turret to get to your receiver. (See Pics) The prongs are long enough to fit down far enough to fit tight against the foam board inside. If you want the prongs to just fit tight up to the base plate, let me know and I can fix the design. I hope all that makes sense.

I printed the tail gun dome in clear PETG, the Guns in Black, and the Base Plate in White, but I am sure you can use whatever you want.
The parts are assembled with super glue and the base plate fits into the hole in the tail (see pics) If you have already glued in the flat piece, you can just cut out that piece and glue this into its place.

I printed the Main Gear Brackets in ABS, but I am sure PETG or PLA+ would work fine.
It is designed to fit the standard 3MM wire that FT uses, but if you need it for a different size wire let me know and I can change it and send it up. It still hot glues in place just like the wooden one from FT.

I printed the Power Pod in ABS, but I am sure that PETG would be fine, (Maybe PLA+)
It is strong and light. Use only 30 to 40% Cubic infill. It slides right in just like the Foam board one would and the Skewer Holes should also line up.

I didn't use the standard Nose Gear setup but here it is if someone wants it. It uses the standard FT 2mm Wire.
The standard Nose Gear Plate should fit inside the same as the FT Wooden one. You can glue it in place like he does in the video, or you can use the bottom plate outside and screws onto the inside piece, and basically sandwich's the foam board between the 2 plates. Use 3mm screws

On the B25 Mitchell I set it up with Differential Thrust so I wanted a Caster type front nose gear, kinda like they use on the FT Guinea. With that in mind, I designed this one.
It is printed in PLA-CF, but could be printed in PETG, ABS or PLA+
It takes a 2.5mm wire, but I can change it if you need a different size, or you can just drill it out if you have a wire that is a bit larger.
I used a standard wheel axel locking hub to keep the wire moving up or down, and the 2 holes on the sides of the unit are for 3mm screws that can be tightened to control the rate of spin or to make it static.
The Backing plate goes inside and sandwiches the foam board between the Nose Gear Unit and the backing plate with
4ea 3mm screws. ( See Pics)
  • B25 Best it will look 4.jpg
    B25 Best it will look 4.jpg
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  • B25- Power Pod.jpg
    B25- Power Pod.jpg
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  • B25- Windows .jpg
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  • Front Caster 0.jpg
    Front Caster 0.jpg
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  • Front Caster 6.jpg
    Front Caster 6.jpg
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  • Main Gear 2.jpg
    Main Gear 2.jpg
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  • Rear Guns 04.jpg
    Rear Guns 04.jpg
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  • Rear Guns 05.jpg
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  • Top Turret 1.jpg
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  • Top Turret 9.jpg
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  • B25 Best it will look 1.jpg
    B25 Best it will look 1.jpg
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  • Rear Guns 02.jpg
    Rear Guns 02.jpg
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