
  1. FoamyDM

    FTFC21 - Seaplane Design & Build by FoamyDM, Junker J-1000

    I am also going to design and build the J-1000. I'm not sure the scale Yet. right Now I'm thinking 10m - 1ft or ~1:30 scale These impossibly large plane concepts are some of the most inspiring works. Declaration / Purpose: I am intrigued by the flying elevator, and the long curved up hulls...
  2. FoamyDM

    FTFC19 - Crimson Skies: Devil's Dozen Mosquito by FoamyDM

    While designing another CS plane, I wanted to try a 5" A-pack version of the Devil's Dozen Mosquito. one the sheet is a chuck glider version. It fits one of those 2.5" (65mm) happy face stress balls. I was planning on finding a christmas clear acrylic craft ball Here is the Alpha set of...
  3. FoamyDM

    FTFC19 Crimson Skies Heaven's Spade Carrier designed by FoamyDM

    This is my FTFC '18 Design and Build Challenge thread of the Crimson Skies Inspired Heaven's Spade Faction's Carrier. Reason: this look amazing, I want one! and that is where this project will start. Plans: Here are the Full Sized Plans Build-Log: see below Maiden: Takeaway: Do's: Dont's:
  4. Rames

    X-Wing feasibility study

    I've seen a few RC x-wings on the web (there's even a trainer in this forum). But they usually have a canard up front or a pusher/slot prop. All creative and viable ideas, but I've been thinking about something a bit more scale looking with EDFs. However, many challenges to overcome. My first...