FT Charlie
The Flite Test Charlie was designed to be a quick and easy to fly build, the slowest and least agile of the Triad series.
The FT Charlie is compatible with the FT Alpha and FT Bravo kits. Each airplanes’ wings are built to be removable from the fuselage, and can be swapped with...
Hey All,
I fell in love with the hobby looking for something to use as a bonding for me and my son. We started through paper planes, moved to balsa wood gliders and now trying RC. You can read more about how we started and the first experience that we had trying to fly for the first time with...
This is my first post so here it goes!
I scratch built the FT Mini Alpha and Charlie but am experiencing a loss of power after about a minute of flying. The motor is very hot to touch and the ESC also feels warm. Is this what is known as a brown out? It's not a transmitter problem...