
  1. S

    Public Park Flying accident (People and Animals)

    I bought a Versa-copter a few months ago and recently was able to get time to build it. Before I got into multi rotors I had flown a number of foam planes and other designs that I scratch built from Australian foam board. My mini Scout worked great but its far too windy at the moment where I...
  2. N

    Listen to the warnings, remove props before any calibration - warning, images.

    So I was messing about with my large hex the other day with the 13inch CF blades. Just finished flashing SimonK onto the ESCs and was in the process of calibrating them, manually using the throttle channel on the reciever directly to the ESC signal cable (the APM calibration isn't so good, or...
  3. T

    BAD Test with the apprentice s 15e

    Just got the Apprentice S 15 e for Christmas and I turned everything on after building it to do a quick test to make sure everything was working. Something seemed wrong with the rudder so I bent over the plane to check it with radio in hand. To my surprise I hit the throttle by accident and the...
  4. B

    Blades bite

    Don't put your hand out to fend off a Cheap-N-Easy! I'm just getting back into flying RC at 59 years old after being away for right around 25 years. I started with a Park Flyer ultra micro P-51. A bit twitchy but so light it is tough as nails. Then an AXN Floater Jet, not as tough but fun...