
  1. Aero_Knight

    F-117 FlatHawk (Twin Engine)

    Went with a different approach with my original F-117 design. I used a larger scale and put a second motor on it for 3-4” push props. I went with elevons similar to the Flitetest F-22 instead of standard aileron elevator setup like my original. I am still tinkering with my old design but this...
  2. D

    Problem with Emax Nighthawk Pro 280 RTF stock transmitter/receiver

    So I've been having this issue with my newly bought emax nighthawk pro 280. For whatever reason, when in mid flight the quad will jolt in terms of roll or pitch, and sometimes throttle, almost as if I've applied a very small but sudden action on the transmitter itself. But I could be simply...
  3. A

    Nighthawk 280 pro ARF motor issue..

    So, I recently bought an nighthawk 280 pro. Flew it a couple of times, then I decided to flash cleanflight to it (came with baseflight) To my knowledge this quad comes with a Skyline 32 board, an intergrated 12A ESC's. After my flash to cleanflight I enable Oneshot, flew it two times, had a...
  4. N

    Motor Connection for NightHawk Pro 280 (ARF)

    Hi guys, So I have been flying my Nighthawk Pro 280 (ARF) pretty hard recently and I had a crashed which has wiped out my motor which I had ordered and now arrived. My only question is what is the connection for connecting my motor to the ESC/PDB? It looks like a plug with three pins and where...
  5. N


    Hi Flitetest Crew, I am new to this mini quad stuff and have just brought a nighthawk pro 280 ARF but I am a little bit confused with which props to use. I brought some DAL 5045 Bullnose props with it. Can I use this will my 3S batteries or not? Any help would be great Thanks!!! NuminousFPV
  6. jhitesma

    EMAX Nighthawk Pro 280 ARF

    Last year I was given an emax 250 before they were even publicizing it as the nighthawk. Unfortunately the place that provided me with that quad is no longer doing business, but I've had a lot of fun with it. The main reason it was given to me was so I could assist people with getting GPS...