
  1. M

    FT tenet battery size

    Hello all. My sons and I are new to the hobby. We built the FT tenet tractor configuration and are having a blast with it thanks to the Aura board. I have two of the recommended batteries for it (3s 850 mah), and flight times are really short. I would love to get bigger batteries for it. I’m...
  2. Scooter The White Rabbit

    Solved Power Pod Cooling System - Air Scoop!

    Ever wonder how hot your ESC gets? Swappable Power Pods are a great idea... But not much air flow. Check this out!
  3. R

    FT Mini Alpha (and Charlie) loses power after 45-55 seconds of flying

    Hello, This is my first post so here it goes! I scratch built the FT Mini Alpha and Charlie but am experiencing a loss of power after about a minute of flying. The motor is very hot to touch and the ESC also feels warm. Is this what is known as a brown out? It's not a transmitter problem...
  4. M

    motors overheating...

    Im having overheating problems with my latest build during hover all the motors get so hot to the point that they start to smell burnt just after a couple of seconds of hovering around in my house, it hovers just fine and i have played around with PIDs, lowering PIDs made it a little bit better...
  5. W

    CCW motors overheating.

    There have been a few mentions of these kind of things on the internet but so far I haven't been able to find a working solution for my quad. the two CCW motors are overheating, while all the other motors are staying cool. I have switched the props and balanced them, checked if the arms are...
  6. E

    Power Pack C OVERHEATING!

    Just finished my fourth build. It's an FT RACER with the power pack C from flite test. I'm experiencing insane overheating. To the point that I think the ESC uses its automatic shutdown feature. I'll detail the story below, but I duplicated the result on the bench and something didn't smell...
  7. RedTwenty

    SimonK Flashed Multistar ESC overheating?

    Okay, so I am not having much luck with multi's at the moment :( Here is the story... The other week whilst flying FPV my SK450 Deadcat dropped out of the sky. It was the first time I had flown it for any length of time (i.e. more than one battery). It was flying along happily and then suddenly...
  8. 1-2-3-calum

    Loss of power and overheating after two weeks of successful running

    Hello all, this is my first post and I'm wondering if I can draw on some of your knowledge to solve a problem I have. I built my first aircraft, a "Versa Wing" from plans a fortnight ago with the following electronics in the power train bought from www.giantshark.co.uk. 8x4E Sport propeller...
  9. W

    Swappabled overheating

    Swappable overheating I was wondering if anyone else is having problems with heat in the swappable power pods... I've ran into several instances recently on the FT3D puffing batteries, ect. I've done a simple fix by adding an "air intake" on the side of the fuse through the pod and that seems...