pt-17 stearman

  1. hunterdave99

    My Take on Jonny Gum's Foam Board PT-17

    Finally got around to filming some flight footage of my build. Jonny Gum designed a nice PT-17 four years ago. Have had mine for about a year now and am constantly making mods to it. I have used a lot of 3D printed parts to include a 7 cylinder dummy radial motor made from more than 50 parts...
  2. SP0NZ

    Plane PT-17 Stearman 1.0

    PT-17 Stearman Design by: Ben Harber Plans by: Dan Sponholz Ben Harber designed this amazing 1 : 9.65 scale Boeing PT-17 Stearman built from ADAMS Readi-Board (a.k.a. Dollar Tree Foam Board). History: The Stearman (Boeing) Model 75 is a biplane formerly used as a military trainer aircraft, of...
  3. Jonny Gum

    Foam Board Master Series PT-17 Stearman- FREE PLANS!

    (GO TO PAGE 11 FOR PLANS AND BUILD VIDEO) So I have always been around the real Stearman because my grandfather restores and flies them. I decided to make the Stearman because I had a balsa wood kit lying around for a rubber band powered model. I took the plans to Staples and got them scaled...
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  5. Aviator08

    Coming in at 198.6 grams........

    MM size PT-17 Stearman biplane Maiden flight of the Plans built MM PT-17 Stearman 24" wingspan F power pack Prototype ready for second flight Prototype ( on right ) and plans built together Prototype and the FT Corsair MM Stearman Plans Full Size :