
  1. A good day at the field

    A good day at the field

    On takeoff I went right through a large puddle right before I got off the ground. It turns out that water and electronics don't mix since right after the first turn I lost all control and that was that. It's actually fixable though :D
  2. Jonny Gum

    Foam Board Master Series PT-17 Stearman- FREE PLANS!

    (GO TO PAGE 11 FOR PLANS AND BUILD VIDEO) So I have always been around the real Stearman because my grandfather restores and flies them. I decided to make the Stearman because I had a balsa wood kit lying around for a rubber band powered model. I took the plans to Staples and got them scaled...
  3. Konrad

    A Rant over MotionRC

    Not sure this is the best place to post this. But as most of MotionRC's sales are Warbirds here goes. Do NOT patronize MotionRC if you can at all avoid it! MotionRC is only interested in selling you their junk. (Really nothing new for corporate America). It isn’t so much that the...
  4. K

    P-51 Mustang? help needed

    This plane came with a brushed motor I want to put a brushless motor in it. Plane has a 30" wing span and a 8.5x6 prop im new to the hobby need some recommendations on what motor to go with not looking for something to fast.
  5. G

    XT30 Charger Cable

    I am trying to build my first model plane and am looking for a charging cable for an XT30 battery. It is a 4mm banana plug.
  6. DangerMcNasty

    Blohm & Voss BV-141 (World War II German tactical reconnaissance aircraft) SWAPPABLE!

    Blohm & Voss BV-141 (World War II German tactical reconnaissance aircraft) SWAPPABLE! Hello All, I am underway on designing a foam board swappable BV-141. This will be my first design project using Google sketchup and the Flite Test swappable concept, but not my first scratch build. I would...
  7. S

    Flyzone Ultra micro warbirds

    Hello Flight test forums, this is my first post and I thought id ask if anyone here has experience switching recievers in the flyzone ultra micro series. I feel somewhat apposed to needing the anylink adapter to fly these little beauties with my Spektrum Dx6i transmitter and was wondering if it...
  8. J

    Are there any Electric 5 Channel Micro Warbirds?

    Hey all. I'm getting into this hobby and really enjoy it. I'm looking to get a small electric warbird but want the scale look and appearance... ie I want landing gear that retract. I have a DX6i so the channel requirement is not an issue. Anyone know the smallest scale warbird you can get that...
  9. adergotardo

    Kidult's Paradise

    Nice afternoon in German (?). http://youtu.be/pRSNNpr6YbY
  10. Dagger_117

    Flat Foamie, Profile, and Semi-Profile Warbirds

    Hi All. I wanted to start a thread dedicated to flat foamie, profile and semi-profile warbirds. Here we can post plans, tips, tricks, and other ideas all about these cool RC models. If you created some plans feel free to share them as well as your build pics. Happy building!