I'm watching the FT X29 video and something he said makes me wonder. Why is aileron bank and yank considered advanced??? I learned to fly for the first time with nitro planes and SPAD construction (Corroplast) my go-to was a bank and yank, and I rarely used a rudder.
Fast forward to 13 years out of the hobby and my only plane in my return is a cheap little micro p51 that I only really figured out how to fly when I slowed it down and started using the rudder to turn instead of rolling and pulling... Rudder turns didn't work well with my early nitro planes. Aileron and elevator turns only work with this little foamy if I am VERY careful... Whodathunk
Fast forward to 13 years out of the hobby and my only plane in my return is a cheap little micro p51 that I only really figured out how to fly when I slowed it down and started using the rudder to turn instead of rolling and pulling... Rudder turns didn't work well with my early nitro planes. Aileron and elevator turns only work with this little foamy if I am VERY careful... Whodathunk