Andre's Dynam Fw 190 1200mm


Fly yes... land no.
I shimmed the setup and added flaps so I want to see if that helps.
If not I'm going to pull out the mig welder.
If that fails I can try some Oleo's or buy new gear from the US.

So a few options.


Fly yes... land no.
Nope... Been busy or poor weather.

Last weekend I got out for an hour and flew my Radian ;)


Fly yes... land no.
wait you flew an hour none stop i was just wondering just cause i didn't see a Friday update

Yes the Friday update did not happen for a lot of reasons :)

Then the rest of the weekend was all about my son and I having fun.
I did not get out to fly till late on Sunday.
Put the Radian up for almost 30 minutes and then did a few quick flights with the FunCub.

Then it was back on to other tasks. Things have been demanding lately ;)


Crashing Ace
Yes the Friday update did not happen for a lot of reasons :)

Then the rest of the weekend was all about my son and I having fun.
I did not get out to fly till late on Sunday.
Put the Radian up for almost 30 minutes and then did a few quick flights with the FunCub.

Then it was back on to other tasks. Things have been demanding lately ;)

what are your plans to upgrade the fw 190


Fly yes... land no.
Well outside of the gear the only thing I'll keep my eye on is the motor.
But I need a good solid weekend with the plane.

I want to do a ton of low level flybys and get comfortable with my approach and landings.


Fly yes... land no.
Oh boy

Chris was right.

The big warbirds can be a total pain.

Another hard landing.

The pilot needs to get some practice.

Nothing beats choking on final when everyone is watching.

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Crashing Ace
Andre what happened you haven't updated this thread since may have you been flying the fw 190.
i look forward to more updates


Biplane Guy
I've encountered similar landing issues with my slick. The main problem I had in the beginning was I expected the airplane to have a nice flare for a three point landing. Really with a higher powered bird you need to keep the throttle in until the wheels touch the ground, and you really can't do a nice three point with the higher wing loading and bigger motor. Just get the mains on the ground then throttle back slowly.


Fly yes... land no.
Another Repair

I've not had much luck with the 190's gear.

I'll have to work up the courage to try this again soon.

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Fly yes... land no.
Look I landed it!

Good news I finally landed the FW-190!
Actually several times.
The flaps worked out great.

Bad news.
The gear need to be replaced. I did not even bother retracting them.
Just left them down because after the first landing the onside bent.

Then on the final landing the repair left go and I had to stop flying the plane.
I'd share some video but that is another story.

Also I did am going to paint the leading edges yellow.
This plane is very difficult to track on final.

Still at least I had some success.

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Crashing Ace
Yes good too see this guy back in the air hopefully you can fix that landing gear and continue the good landing runs


Fly yes... land no.
Landing Gear Fab

It was a cold evening on Saturday and I actually had time to myself.

So into the hanger...


The FW-190 has had gear issues since day 1.

Time to fab a new strut from 5mm piano wire.


I may have to do a little more tweaking and until I do some landings I won't know if this worked or not.


Hmm the warbird fleet is growing.
