Anybody else scratch building tonight?


Master member
These past couple days have seen quite a bit of cutting and filing. Each quarter-circle took about half an hour to cut and is seeing roughly the same time to file. As my means of cutting them were to drill an 8mm hole through which I threaded a coping saw and roughly cut out by hand, I didn’t want to cut too close to the lines as there was the risk of slicing across them and more likely; one of the layers splintering across.


Once the filing is done, tapered foam strips will be glued to the beams to add strength and reduce the turbulence from them.


Master member
what are you building?

An experimental VTOL system to go inside sci-fi spaceship models. I want to make a model Taiidan Assault Frigate from the game Homeworld - notice how it’s fatter in the middle and narrower at the front and rear:


I want to see if wider props in the middle of a ship can be ducted to narrower (longer but with the same surface area) nozzles via S-bends. The nozzles will then vector the thrust in the same way a bicopter vectors its props.

Once I have this ‘power core’ completed, I will measure the thrust without the ducts. Then I will add ducts and measure the thrust again to see how much thrust is lost in the ducting. Hopefully, not much thrust is lost coming through ducts that go from a circular cross section to a rectangular one, as rectangular nozzles will be much simpler to vector.


Legendary member
The Typhoon is ready for her maiden 😍
last year I built the black jack and this year it’s Moggy
running 90mm wemotec mini fan and HET typhoon motor on 6s


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