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Inspired by preexisting libraries that deal with aerial navigation, I decided to create a simplified and easy to use version for Arduino users called Navduino.h (installable via the Arduino IDE's Libraries Manager).
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As the readme states, this library currently provides functions for:
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As the readme states, this library currently provides functions for:
- Euler angles
- Direction cosine matrices
- Quaternions
- Earth radii calculations
- Earth rotation rate calculations
- Converting between different coordinate frames:
- Distance and bearing calculations between 2 coordinates
- Calculating a new coordinate based on a reference coordinate (i.e. given a LLA coordinate, great circle distance, azimuth, and elevation angle, find the resulting LLA coordinate)
- NavPy
- @clolsonus (navigation.h)
- NaveGo
// Rotation conversions
Matrix3f angle2dcm(const Vector3f& angles, const bool& angle_unit = DEGREES, const bool& NED_to_body = true, const int& rotation_sequence = 321);
Vector3f dcm2angle(const Matrix3f& dcm, const bool& angle_unit = DEGREES, const bool& NED_to_body = true, const int& rotation_sequence = 321);
Quaternionf angle2quat(const Vector3f& angles, const bool& angle_unit = DEGREES, const bool& NED_to_body = true, const int& rotation_sequence = 321);
Vector3f quat2angle(const Quaternionf& quat, const bool& angle_unit = DEGREES, const bool& NED_to_body = true, const int& rotation_sequence = 321);
Matrix3f quat2dcm(const Quaternionf& quat);
Quaternionf dcm2quat(const Matrix3f& C);
// Earth radius calculations
float earthGeoRad(const float& _lat, const bool& angle_unit = DEGREES);
Vector2f earthRad(const float& _lat, const bool& angle_unit = DEGREES);
float earthAzimRad(const float& lat, const float& _azimuth, const bool& angle_unit = DEGREES);
// Frame angular rate calculations
Vector3f earthRate(const float& _lat, const bool& angle_unit = DEGREES);
Vector3f llaRate(const Vector3f& vned, const Vector3f& lla, const bool& angle_unit = DEGREES);
Vector3f navRate(const Vector3f& vned, const Vector3f& lla, const bool& angle_unit = DEGREES);
// Frame conversions
Vector3f lla2ecef(const Vector3f& lla, const bool& angle_unit = DEGREES);
Vector3f ecef2lla(const Vector3f& ecef, const bool& angle_unit = DEGREES);
Vector3f ecef2ned(const Vector3f& ecef, const Vector3f& lla_ref, const bool& angle_unit = DEGREES);
Vector3f lla2ned(const Vector3f& lla, const Vector3f& lla_ref, const bool& angle_unit = DEGREES);
Vector3f ned2ecef(const Vector3f& ned, const Vector3f& lla_ref, const bool& angle_unit = DEGREES);
Vector3f ned2lla(const Vector3f& ned, const Vector3f& lla_ref, const bool& angle_unit = DEGREES);
// Linear algebra
Matrix3f skew(const Vector3f& w);
// Bearing calculations
float bearingLla(const Vector3f& lla_1, const Vector3f& lla_2, const bool& angle_unit = DEGREES);
float bearingNed(const Vector3f& ned_1, const Vector3f& ned_2);
// Distance calculations
double distanceLla(const Vector3f& lla_1, const Vector3f& lla_2, const bool& angle_unit = DEGREES);
float distanceNed(const Vector3f& ned_1, const Vector3f& ned_2);
float distanceNedHoriz(const Vector3f& ned_1, const Vector3f& ned_2);
float distanceNedVert(const Vector3f& ned_1, const Vector3f& ned_2);
float distanceEcef(const Vector3f& ecef_1, const Vector3f& ecef_2);
// Elevation calculations
float elevationLla(const Vector3f& lla_1, const Vector3f& lla_2, const bool& angle_unit = DEGREES);
float elevationNed(const Vector3f& ned_1, const Vector3f& ned_2);
// Relative coordinate calculations
Vector3f LDAE2lla(const Vector3f& lla, const float& dist, const float& _azimuth, const float& _elevation = 0, const bool& angle_unit = DEGREES);
Vector3f NDAE2ned(const Vector3f& ned, const float& dist, const float& _azimuth, const float& _elevation = 0, const bool& angle_unit = DEGREES);
// Eigen object printing functions
void printVec2f(const Vector2f& vec, const int& p = 5, Stream& stream = Serial);
void printVec3f(const Vector3f& vec, const int& p = 5, Stream& stream = Serial);
void printVec4f(const Vector4f& vec, const int& p = 5, Stream& stream = Serial);
void printQuatf(const Quaternionf& quat, const int& p = 5, Stream& stream = Serial);
void printMat3f(const Matrix3f& mat, const int& p = 5, Stream& stream = Serial);
// Constrain functions
float float_constrain(const float& input, const float& min, const float& max);
double double_constrain(const double& input, const double& min, const double& max);
// Map functions
float float_map(const float& x, const float& in_min, const float& in_max, const float& out_min, const float& out_max);
double double_map(const double& x, const double& in_min, const double& in_max, const double& out_min, const double& out_max);