Barbie Bus 144" flying school bus


I am very A.D.D. I can't focus on one task for to long, so I end up working on 20 things at once. It keeps me going without getting board.
Earlier this year I built this heavy lifting bomber for a golf ball drop contest.

it was a great plane, and was able to carry 30 golf balls at once. But anyway, my dad said it looking like a Barbie bus with wings. Somehow that name stuck and everyone was calling it "The Barbie Bus". I crashed it at the fun fly (epically I might add) and everyone was bummed. At that moment I vowed to build a new one, but even more Barbie, and way more Bus!
Hence my current project, The Barbie Bus II. It's a 144" wing on a giant school bus. It will be equipped with a giant bomb bay, and will para-drop 6 Barbie dolls out the bottom.

I've been working off and on it for a while, but am on the home stretch now so expect it to fly sooner than later.
Part of the reason it's taken so long is it barely fits in the house.

Once it's done though it should be a show stopper. Here’s one last shot, you know... just for fun.
when I told her it would drop Barbie dolls with parachutes, her response was priceless.
me: and they will drop out of the bottom.
her: but what if they land in the pond?
me: well what if I get my own bardies, and don't use yours?
her: well I guess that would be okay, and then if you don't lose them you can give them to me.


Amateur pilot and builder
Very cool! I actually didn't know about the KFm style wing profiles until I just now looked it up! Very interesting. Do you prefer the performance of a KFm wing profile or is it just easy to fabricate so you stick with it?
the bigger the better!
beautiful plane/bus BTW i use a 6s on my 200% spitfire for ballast and more power,but running two motors gives a lot more lift and power!


Biplane Guy
Cool project! The first one looked a lot like a C-160 transall, but the second one is just pure awesomeness combined with a school bus and a B-24. What's the power to weight ratio on the newer one?


The first one was looslt based on a C-17. I modified the wing shape, and such to give it more lift and more simple to build.


The bus has now flown 8 times. I almost lost it on number 8 though. That pesky left motor decided to give me a scare when it LEFT the airframe shortly after takeoff while still trying to climb out. The plane rolled left 90 degrees and pitched forward right at the ground. Thankfully that kfm3 wing glides well, because I was able to correct and glide back in and land with no more damage than a broken bumper and a bent front axle. Now it's time to put it back on the bench and go through it tip to tail. All the hot glue is coming out and being replaced with foamtac, and wood glue. The paint is getting touched up, lights are going to be added and I'm going for a detailed undercarriage. Of course I need to replace the missing motor (we never found it) and while doing so I'm going to replace both motors. I may even consider jumping up from a two motor setup to a 4. Time an money will tell.