Blunt Nose Versa Wing - First REAL flight


New member
After the maiden flight, I added a bit more weight to the front of the plane to balance it out better. Pretty good flight, considering I'm completely new to flying RC planes. Only real time has been on a simulator and buddy box once.



Well-known member
I'm impressed! You must have spent a lot of time with the simulator. Your field isn't so large either. Nice job. Welcome to the club!


New member
I spent a few hours total on the simulator. Really surprised by how close it is to flying the real thing. I have been flying my quadcopter for awhile now as well, probably has helped a bit too. The field I was flying in wasn't too awful large, just used it to kinda test the plane out. Need to get to the local RC Airfield to really do some flying with her!

I can't say enough about how good this wing feels in the air though. Buttery smooth flight is the best way I can describe it. It felt like it was going to glide forever when I was trying to land it too! Massive props to the Flite Test guys on designing this wing.


I had my first real flight when I realized I needed to take her up 2 mistakes high... I got used to the plane and now Im really having fun! Great video!


New member
Do you know what motor you're using on this setup? I'm trying to get mine all set up. Thanks!

In the video I was flying with the Hextronik 24gram motor, with 9x4.7 SF prop. The prop was a bit big for the motor. The largest recommended prop for it is 8x3.8 I believe. It was still a bit underpowered for the weight of the plane, so I have since slapped on a Sunnysky 980kv motor from my quadcopter with a 10x4.7 SF prop. Stats wise, it is almost twice the power output of the hextronik, so should fly and climb a bit better, I have yet to fly it though due to weather here in East TN. I believe the overall weight for flight is at 900 grams now.