Cruisin for Bruisin


Legendary member
Here's my latest flights with the old bird...

This one was going for the silver/grey, DH 88 "K" (plus it hides duck tape well!;)
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Active member
Here's my latest flights with the old bird...

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This one was going for the silver/grey, DH 88 "K" (plus it hides duck tape well!;)
That's awesome Hondo! I did get a chance for a run or two yesterday, but again no camera man. I've got a new go-proa with a hat clip I need to get setup. Those are some wide open spaces and pines, what part of the world are you in?

I also finally got my runway mowed up yesterday. I need to run the boxblade around to smooth it out a bit but I think it'll work for my 3" wheeled birds. Finally have some decent weather in the forecast so hopefully I can get back out there today and tomorrow.

I'm assuming you're a Teufel Hunden by your avitar, are you still in active service? I was at Camp Pen 98-02 and with 1st MAR DIV on the USS Boxer 2000-2001. 0311 attached to 1st LAR.



Legendary member

Not as lean... not as mean...

I was with HMLA 169 out of Pendleton most of my time (the iron cross in my avitar) Huey mechanic.

Joined in '03, Was on the 11th MEU in '04 but I saw a lot more sand than water... called it the "Dude where's my boat" MEU...

Went back to Iraq in '06, got out in '08... I raise cows on the family ranch in NE Wyoming now, 5th generation...

From one jarhead to another... Semper Fi!
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Legendary member
Posted this one earlier... And its a bit of a rabbit trail from our Comet thread... (But it is DeHavilland)

But now that i know you're an 03... Gotta let an air winger give you a hard time... ;)

Dont need a box blade... Just some 5" wheels... Ruts and all!



Legendary member
Truely something to be said for the durability of a plane with the battery in the front of the nose!

The battery, making up the majority of the mass of the plane, impacts the ground first. Because it is also encased in foam however, you rarely hit hard enough to damage one. You also arent piling your motor and firewall into the ground (with the weight of the battery behind it) so, not only have i rarely broken a prop on the cruiser, I have never had to replace a firewall or power pod...
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Active member
That's a lot of the reason I fell in love with twins when I first built the goose. I dedicate a paycheck a year just to props but you have to WANT to break a prop on this Cruiser. And that's running triples too. I've had to brace up the nose with credit card stock (shower wall material was just a bit too thick). I'm planning on taking the flatbed out to the field this weekend so I can actually get some use out of the landing gear. With the side rails off it makes a great 12'x8' aircraft carrier lol. Here's a quick shot of everything we flew last weekend. I'm getting close to landing on the bed with the duet. I haven't even tried with the cruiser lol, maybe just a touch n go!
Here's another hard to see vid of the cruiser. I think this was before my lawn dart landing... My hat cam wasn't cooperating either so I've gotta come up with something better there...


Legendary member
Hahaha, nice!

Square body aircraft carrier! :ROFLMAO:

Flatbed landing challenge... I like that!

Challenge accepted!