David windestal tricopter build problems


Junior Member
1. Hello, I'm new to building drones and was hoping I could get some help with a few problems I am facing. What I have built is the very popular David Windestal based tricopter. I am running the kk2 1.5 with the newest steveis firmware installed. Its all built, and I have spent hours trying to get it to hover. My first issue is arming the kk2. Up until now, I have not had a problem. When I would move the stick on my transmitter down and to the right, the board would arm. Now, after I played with some settings in mixer editor and adjusted some trims, the board will not arm. Ive tried everything, ive put the settings back to where they were when it armed, ive recalibrated the escs multiple times, ive done ACC calibration several times, ive tried putting all trims to 0, nothing will get the board to arm and im at a loss of what to do. 2. When my board will arm, I still cannot get the tricopter to hover. I have balanced the props, calibrated the escs, set the trims to 0, done acc calibration, and used all the recommended settings from david windestals kk2 tricopter setup video. Sometimes my tricopter will spin uncontrollably. Sometimes ill try adjusting a trim, and it will flip one way or the other without ever lifting off, indicating one motor working harder then the others. Ive recently tried using self level mode, it does not seem to make any difference either. Everything seems to work and respond well, the servo on the tilt motor responds well and is not too twitchy, and I do not have much or any motor lag that I know of. I just cannot get it to hover and im getting very frustrated. Any assistance of any kind would be very helpful and appreciated. Thanks


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Faster than a speeding face plant!
If the KK2 won't arm, check the receiver inputs in the KK2 to ensure that when you move the right stick (mode2) the KK2 shows roll right etc...

If that isn't the problem, did you change endpoints on your transmitter? If the stick can't go far enough to the right, the KK2 won't arm.

If the copter spins out of control or flips when you try to hover, you likely have ESCs swapped where connected to the KK2, controls reversed in your transmitter or your KK2 is not pointing forward.


Junior Member

Cranialrectoris. Thanks I appreciate your input. My board is facing the correct direction, I have verified my escs are plugged in correctly on the kk2, and my transmitter is a basic Dx5e and does not allow me to adjust endpoints.


Junior Member

Cranialrectoris. Thanks I appreciate your input. My board is facing the correct direction, I have verified my escs are plugged in correctly on the kk2, and my transmitter is a basic Dx5e and does not allow me to adjust endpoints.


New member
hey man,
this may sound dumb, but make sure that when you're done tuning the kk2 board that you exit back into the safe mode or it will not arm. I've done this several times myself. as far as not hovering and spinning, try going to mixer editor and find your rudder channel. there's a setting there that's going to be either 100 or -100. what ever it is reverse it and give that a try. these video's might help. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cjoVtzTSRnI&index=16&list=PL8BZZWtQNstq1xVRmg1mScaBCO7hcMFBo , https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e6K4NXoq-Qk ( around 40 min.) hope this helps.


Representative of Iowa
you chose a heck of a beast for a first drone xD. My second multi copter was a scratch built tri running the kk board, and it took awhile to dial things down. Just be patient and keep trying. What ended up working for me was what irekkin has recommend. good luck!