I think the way to get a job interview for a volunteer position still requires the individual to send the company a resume and letter of intent. Hi I'm X a long time modeler and forum member and I've noticed that some aspects have been lacking attention. IF the reasons for that are lack of volunteers here are my qualifications and reasons I'd like to join your team......
Might go a lot farther then, "They ain't as good as they used to be, nyah!" Frankly, when I started building some of their things with foam board, I would be really impressed to see they've graduated to that F-18 my buddy just built and sent me a picture of. Shoot, I was crew on the SPAD forum for a while and I loved the planes we put out, didn't have a video production setup, had some GREAT once a year flyins. Gotta admit, I'm a little jelly of the operation here.