Extremely strange problems with my new Quad


New member

I recently built a new quad that is only intended for Line of sight. The Quad normally flies really well. But when I pull YAW to max (left or right does not matter) it goes bananas. What happens is that the throttle increases something terrible, and it flies up in the air and yawing at the same time. If I pull like a millimeter with the right stick in any direction it will start to do flips (even though i have angle mode on). What can this problem be caused by? I´ve tried to find people with similar problems but not found anything.

FC: DTFc Doge
Motor: Rotorgeeks 2204 2300kv
ESC: Aikon SEFM 30A BLHeli_S
Mottagare: X4R-SB
Radio: Taranis X9D+

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New member
I just made a new profile on my Taranis and chose Quadcopter in the beginning but no. Same weird problems as before. Any other ideas? :confused:


I'd start by just lowering the yaw rates. May or may not fix the issue but worth seeing if it is still present at lower rates, then post back with what happens and we can try to figure it out from there. Blackbox logs would be interesting too if your FC can log it.


New member
I'd start by just lowering the yaw rates. May or may not fix the issue but worth seeing if it is still present at lower rates, then post back with what happens and we can try to figure it out from there. Blackbox logs would be interesting too if your FC can log it.

I will come back with my PIDS and a video on saturday so you can see the issue. I tried to lower my yaw before but didnt see any difference.


Hmmm really odd. Potentially your Yaw P gain could be too high but this is highly unlikely on stock Betaflight fw.


Wake up! Time to fly!
Did you by chance... NOT orientate the FC with the arrow pointing forward or possibly mount it upside down? It seems to me from the video that as the guy yaw's the throttle kicked up proportionally trying to counter act the yaw.

The only other way I can see is maybe the yaw is some how in a mix on the radio in the radio sort of like differential thrust.


New member
Hmmm really odd. Potentially your Yaw P gain could be too high but this is highly unlikely on stock Betaflight fw.

I have attatched a pic of my PIDS.


Did you by chance... NOT orientate the FC with the arrow pointing forward or possibly mount it upside down? It seems to me from the video that as the guy yaw's the throttle kicked up proportionally trying to counter act the yaw.

The only other way I can see is maybe the yaw is some how in a mix on the radio in the radio sort of like differential thrust.

Nope the orientation is correct and the FC is not upside down. This is really frustrating. I have the exact same settings on my Naze rev6 board and it works fine. So the problem lies in the DTFc FC somehow.
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Wake up! Time to fly!
I would check that no filters are set up. As for the yaw PIDS P looks super low if anything. So far on all my quads they have all tuned out in the general 4,6,8.5 range on P values. BUT.. I fly only race / acro quads not big AP quads in the yt vid you linked.

Also on a side note. Clean flight profile one is known for strangeness in some configurations. I will assume Beta flight has the Lux set up on profile 2 maybe give that a whirl to see if it acts differently?


Techno Nut
I'm running a DTFc in my hellbender and have run both BetaFlight and dRonin with no problems. I'd start by bringing up the "receiver" tab in the configurator and make sure all the channels are behaving correctly. Especially check yaw at max which is when you have the problem in flight. Maybe grab a screenshot of it while you are in there and post it up too.



New member
I would check that no filters are set up. As for the yaw PIDS P looks super low if anything. So far on all my quads they have all tuned out in the general 4,6,8.5 range on P values. BUT.. I fly only race / acro quads not big AP quads in the yt vid you linked.

Also on a side note. Clean flight profile one is known for strangeness in some configurations. I will assume Beta flight has the Lux set up on profile 2 maybe give that a whirl to see if it acts differently?
I dont think these filters can cause the problem or? See picture below. I lowered the yaw PIDS from 70 to 40 with the hope that it maybe could fix the problem but nothing happened.



New member
I'm running a DTFc in my hellbender and have run both BetaFlight and dRonin with no problems. I'd start by bringing up the "receiver" tab in the configurator and make sure all the channels are behaving correctly. Especially check yaw at max which is when you have the problem in flight. Maybe grab a screenshot of it while you are in there and post it up too.

I have uploaded a video from the reciever tab, everything seems to work ok.

I am starting to think that it might be the ESCs? 30A is maybe too much? I am running betaflight 3.0.1



Have you tried softmounting your flight controller on o rings? I know the DTFc has an issue with its gyro if it is not soft mounted on certain setups.


New member
Have you tried softmounting your flight controller on o rings? I know the DTFc has an issue with its gyro if it is not soft mounted on certain setups.
Yes but that didn't do anything for me, besides my quad doesn't flicker when yawing which is what soft mouting is preventing. Mine only get an insane throttle when yawing.


Wake up! Time to fly!
In that video where you operate the yaw. That should be a nice smooth sinusoidal waveform. There is definite clipping going on where the peaks of the wave are cut off flat until you drop below a certain level where it begins to follow the sticks again. I am guessing that is where it takes off on you in flight.

Once again I am not familiar with Beta flight I have only run clean flight before and never messed with filters. In my Kiss set up they are turned totally off as from what I gather they are to smooth out a noisy system and are only used AFTER a problem is found and needs hiding to clean up the signal.

At this point if no one here has a specific answer I would send an email to the programmer thru their support and link that video along with screenies of your pids and your filters settings.


Techno Nut
One thing I notice in your PIDs is that YAW_P has been reduced from the stock 7.0. Yaw P in BetaFlight is yaw jump prevention. You have lowered that. I would back up your settings, reset to default, and start fresh with the stock BetaFlight settings.

From CLI, do a "diff" and post the results. This will show which parameters are not "default" BetaFlight settings

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