Help Wanted!


Time is passing and before long we will all be enjoying FF 2015! RC airplanes from morning til late night, people who like the same things you do and four days to do nothing but have fun and fly! Most of us have to plan ahead, save and most times there's at least a little sacrifice involved. The punch line here is that I'm now asking you to give up just a little of that time your looking forward to so much!
Instead of just attending FF 2015, be a part of it. Those of us that volunteered last year met at Furey Field as strangers and left as friends. If you could ask each one of us about our experience we would tell you that its very rewarding to help with the event and actually be a part of Flite Test if only for a few days.
Please consider volunteering for a few hours, the help will be appreciated. I am organizing the "Gatekeepers" and we handle the main gate. Other areas are Parking, Registration, Build Tent, Flight Line and First Aid. We all want to get organized but we all need people to schedule. Send me a PM so that I can include you in the Gatekeepers! Thanks, Steve:cool:


Not at this point Scotty. I'm trying to get some answers and some info and when I do I'll get out an email to all volunteers with a schedule.


Maker of skins and decals for foam board RC planes
I will definitely commit to "The Gate" for at least one shift, if not more. Is there lots of standing involved? I have some ankle issues. :(


There will be a lot of walking, standing for two to three hours or 1 shift. Hate to say it but registration or build tent may be better for your ankles.


Senior Member
Boo. I mean Good Job! No really Boo! unsolicited recruiting outside the volunteer area? Doing great nice to see this, dang it I mean Boo down with registration long live Band Aid Brigade/Flight Line!


Maker of skins and decals for foam board RC planes
Thanks abieex. Two or three hours should not be that bad. Count me in. All day is what I wanted to avoid. Otherwise I start walking like Festus from Gunsmoke.
Looks like I will be moving from group to group. Jack of all trades, master of none. Beholding to to no man! A lone wolf! Live free or Die! Hoist the Jolly Roger! carried away.


Senior Member
I agree we need several more at the Parking Team Im trying to have no more then a 2 hour shift per day
did I mention a surprise for the parking team helpers


Hostage Taker of Quads
Staff member

You're all conscripted to build cool things in the build tent . . . in your off time, of course.

Even you, Minor Admiral Viceroy ;)