Alpha plans added 3 August 2019.
Do not attempt to build this airplane if you have not flown high performance (>100 mph) before. It is a very stable, forgiving airplane, but with a roll rate of over 720 deg/sec in glide and a power system running twice the recommended watt limits, it is extremely demanding of pilot skill in both orientation and throttle management. Quality batteries can result in power draws of over 240A at WOT.
Wing Span 40 inches
Length 40 inches
Center of Gravity 1.5 inches aft of wing root LE
Wing Area 356 square inches
All Up Weight 54.6 ounces
Wing Loading 22.1 oz / sq. ft.
Skill required
Build skill level: 4 - Able to taper wings for smooth closures, comfortable using a covering iron to seal the edges
Pilot skill level: 5 - Expert level; it's stable, but it's also VERY fast and requires extensive throttle management
6 channel rx
150A esc minimum, rated for cell count desired (3-6s) - requires 200A continuous rating for 6s operation
External UBEC, 5A minimum
2s 400-500 20C lipo for rx/servo power
Leopard 3674-2650 or equivalent such as Neu/Castle 1515 up to GoolRC 4074-2250
APC 6.5x6.5 prop (7x10 for 40mm inrunner)
5x Towerpro MG90 metal gear servos
Transmitter capable of dual aileron mixing/crow
4s 2200 30C - 6s 2500 70C lipo for motor, 2s 500 for RX power
Recommended throws:
Ailerons: +/- 15 @ 50% expo
Elevator: +/- 20̊ @ 50% expo
Flaps: +15/-50
This is a an extremely fast airplane that pushes the structural limitations of foamboard. It is capable of speeds well in excess of 100 mph, and foam wing spars cannot take the flight loads imposed by those speeds. Do not attempt to substitute a material for the specified 3/16" CF spars and plywood inserts. Failure to comply with these warnings could have lethal consequences!
Additionally, this power system is extremely overpowered and intended specifically for speed records. Operating at WOT for more than 5 seconds WILL result in destruction of the power system.
Known setups and performance:
GoolRC 3670-2850, Red Brick 200 Opto, APC 6.5x6.5, 2x Turnigy 3s2200 25C series (6s 2200): 143 mph
GoolRC 4074-2250, Red Brick 200 Opto, APC 6.5x6.5, 2x Xilo 6s1250 70C parallel (6s 2200): 120 mph
GoolRC 4074-2250, Red Brick 200 Opto, APC 7x10, 2x Xilo 6s1250 70C parallel (6s 2200): 165 mph *World's fastest foamboard airplane as of 8/31/2019
GoolRC 4074-2250, Red Brick 200 Opto, APC 7x10, 2x Xilo 6s1250 70C parallel (6s 2200), Graupner 42mm Precision Spinner: 152.9 kts/175.8 mph *World's fastest foamboard airplane as of 9/14/2019
Price breakdown:
FrSky X8R, $30
Red Brick 200A Opto, $23.87
Turnigy UBEC, $5.87
Zippy 350 mAh 2s, $3.49
GoolRC 4074-2250, $36.73
APC 7x10, $2.45
MG90s servos, $1.55x5 = $7.75
Xilo 6s 1250, $29.99x2 = $59.98
3/16" CF tube, $10.30
.050 CF rod, $4.99
1/32" plywood, $2.85
1/8" plywood, $3.29
Total, $191.57