Love my HZ Super Cub


Amateur Extra Class K5TWM
I even have an electronic contact wired up to ignite bottle rockets mounted to the plane. I just need the rocket motor ignitors!

EST just strip a piece of RC silicon battery wire and wrap several turns of a single strand around the fuse. It should ignite your fuse nicely when current is passed through it.


Joker 53150

Mmmmmmm, balsa.
Painted olive drab with D-Day markings, and firing bottle rockets at the neighborhood cats. Now THAT'S a Super Cub I'd love to see in action!


Damn right! I hadn't thought about the cats, but I am not above that. We have lots of little kids in the neighborhood, too...;)

Joker 53150

Mmmmmmm, balsa.
Damn right! I hadn't thought about the cats, but I am not above that. We have lots of little kids in the neighborhood, too...;)

Blaring "Flight of the Valkyries" on speakers attached under the wings... I love the smell of bottle rockets in the morning!

(that joke was wasted on anybody who hasn't seen Apocalypse Now)