First step to different techniques is to understand that every material has separate properties and each is valid albeit subject to different usage considerations. FB techniques are not fully explored in the forums yet!
FB designs and builders seem to treat Balsa as obsolete and yet it has properties which can enhance FB designs, (added cost of course). There are a couple of articles of making FB planes lighter and stronger by using balsa in their construction within the forums.
XPS and other foam block materials are generally glossed over as being difficult to work with and requiring special tools, (hot wires etc), though I do quite well with just a sharp knife and sandpaper. My latest XPS and FB creation is my rendition of the RCM&E Cartoon Cutlass, still flying quite well after numerous flights and one treeing
As for starting into Balsa building, I also build in Balsa and find that, with a little care and attention to detail, the minimum tool requirements are also a sharp knife and some sandpaper. Include a iron if you are to cover in monocote or equivalent and a few clamps to aid in making wing ribs identical to each other. There are plenty of free plans for Balsa models if the mood takes you though do start on a simpler design as some designs can be extremely involved and fiddly. Please note that IC engines tend to weigh more than the electric motors of similar power and the batteries weigh more than the fuel tank most designs used so be aware you will need to juggle things around internally to obtain the proper balance.
There are far more eligible materials for use in model building than I have mentioned herein as I do not want to write an encyclopedia volume but I do recommend that you experiment with materials and make models of your own design.
Just what works for me!
Have fun!