The modular prop plane flew today and had the first flight that didn't end in a crash. Unfortunately, I don't have video. There are two major problems with the design that need to be addressed before the STLs are ready to be released. The first is that the plane was extremely tail heavy. I added an extra section of fuselage to make the nose longer and still needed to add 3.5 oz of weight to the nose and fly with a 4s 2200 mAh pack all the way forward as opposed to the designed for 3s 1500 mAh pack. I didn't want to add the weight of a RunCam to the already heavy tail to try and get footage. The second is that while the gyroid infill structure in the wings is strong enough to support the aircraft in flight, even at well above its designed weight, it is not strong enough to support the point loads of the landing gear. The plane ended up needing to be hand launched due to the weak gear mounts, instead of performing an ROG takeoff. The good news is that the aerodynamics worked great. It was very stable and easy to fly, although the lack of rudder was pretty noticeable. Because it was underpowered due to the high weight, I decided to land after only a few circles around the field. Foolishly, I didn't remove the gear despite them being only partially attached, and one of them punched through the wing preventing any further flights.
To fix the issue with the plane being tail heavy, I plan to simply increase its size (make it longer and increase the wingspan). The tail is far stronger than it needs to be for the current size of the plane, so increasing the overall size will let me make it relatively lighter. I also plan to use a larger and heavier motor which will give me more power instead of just adding a ton of weight to the nose. To fix the problem with the weak gear mounts, I will fully model the inside of wing, and, while I'm at it, the tail. I was hopeful that simply using infill would be strong enough and make the task of modeling the plane simpler, and in some cases (gear not mounted in the wing), it would be, but overall it was a failed experiment for applications with the majority of designs. It might be possible to partially model the inside of the wing (e.g. model the structure needed to mount the gear and nothing else), but I can also cut down on weight by fully modeling the structure, so I'm giving up on that part of the idea.