Modular F-104 70mm EDF Jet

Modular F-104 70mm EDF Jet 1

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telnar1236 submitted a new resource:

Modular F-104 70mm EDF Jet - 6 channel 70 mm F-104 that can be 3D printed using normal PLA and making use of modular connections

This is the release of my modular F-104. It is designed to be 3D printed in PLA or ABS (optional for some parts). It is a 6-channel design and flies on a 4s 4000 mAh battery up to 80 mph.
This release contains full STLs, G-code, and an instruction manual detailing assembly. The supplied G-code is for PLA since ABS frequently requires more tuning. The G-code is split into two parts due to upload size limits.

The development process is documented in my Modular Plane Thread:

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