motor for ft mustang or ft racer

luc latiers

Junior Member

I want to build the ft mustang or the ft racer.
I want to use the same power pot.
I want to join a big motor on it, but I don't know what motor.
who can tell me what big motor i can put on it.

already thanks,



Flite is good

Welcome to the forums.

Flynn has made a nice recommendation. That motor series has a good reputation. If you are looking for a proven setup, any of the sites that offer FT Flite Packs will sell you a good motor with the correct prop and ESC combination. Plus, some have the correct servos and battery with them.

This I the motor setup that I love on the FT Racer. I have used it on the FT Spitfire as well.

What is your build and flying experience level? I would not use that plane or power set up for a first plane.

Either way, enjoy and let us know how things go. Don't be afraid to come back and ask questions.