My quad "jumps" by itself when I switch from angle to angle+baro


I'm troubleshooting problems with not being able to hold altitude at all. It's naze32 dof10 with cleanflight. 250mm quad, foam on the baro.

First position switch is only ANGLE, so I arm it like that and props start spinning at 1080. As soon as I switch to ANGLE+BARO+MAG it starts jumping couple inches of the ground by itself.

When I bench test it the baro graph in cleanflight response a lot to the props spinning. 20160731_151331.jpg

This is with foam :)

Is that graph movement normal? Does the jumping mean I have a bad baro?
I bought the board failry cheap off ebay for $22 which is the price dof6 usually goes for. It's brand new from China.

No idea what else to try at this point, please help