New SPRacingF3 flight control board


Junior Member

It's my honor to announce the new racing board designed by Dominic Clifton based on the F303 processor.

This new racing-inspired board will be offered in two versions, an acro board and a deluxe board that will have additional compass and barometer.

Please check out the SeriouslyPro Website for details:

You can Pre Order in the US from:



You can Pre Order in the EU from the Seriously Pro website:

If you would like to be a distributor or retailer, please click on the 'Contact Us' link at the bottom of the page (GetFPV is the sole distributor for the US):

The SPRacingF3 gives you all the features you need for the heart of your aircraft, whether you're into FPV racing, acrobatic flying or aerial photography it's perfect.

* No compromise I/O. Use all the features all the time; e.g. Connect your OSD + SmartPort + SBus + GPS + LED Strip + Battery Monitoring + Sonar + 8 motors - all at the same time!
* On-board high-capacity black box flight log recorder - optimize your tuning and see the results of your setup without guesswork. (Acro and Deluxe)
* Next-generation STM32 F3 processor with hardware floating point unit for efficient flight calculations and faster ARM-Cortex M4 core.
* Stackable design - perfect for integrating with OSDs and power distribution boards.
* 16 PWM I/O lines for ESCs, Servos and legacy receivers. 8 available on standard pin headers. 8 via side mounted connectors.
* Full support for OneShot ESCs for easy PID tuning and a sharper response.
* Supports SBus, SumH, SumD, Spektrum1024/2048, XBus, PPM, PWM receivers. No external inverters required (built-in).
* Dedicated output for programmable LEDs - great for orientation, racing and night flying.
* Dedicated I2C port for connection of OLED display without needing flight battery.
* Battery monitoring ports for voltage and current.
* Sonar support for precision low-altitude hold.
* Buzzer port for audible warnings and notifications.
* Developer friendly debugging port (SWD) and boot mode selection, unbrickable bootloader.
* Symmetrical design for a super tidy wiring.
* Wire up using using pin headers, JST-SH sockets or solder pads. Use either right-angled or straight pin-headers.
* Barometer mounted on the bottom of the board for easy wind isolation.
* Loop times up to ~2x as fast as previous-generation STM32F1 based boards.
* Configuration of the flight controller via a cross-platform GUI (Windows/OSX/Linux).
* Supports a variety of aircraft, tricopters, quadcopters, hexacopters, octocopters, planes and more.
* Available in Acro and Deluxe versions

Acro: Standard model for racing/acro flying .
Deluxe: Additional sensors for altitude and direction.

The SPRacingF3 runs the open-source Cleanflight flight control (FC) software which has an ever-growing community of friendly developers and users. Being open-source means that you too can contribute to the system.

Cleanflight comes with a detailed manual that is reviewed and maintained by the Cleanflight developers and community. No more out-of-date wiki pages and second-hand information.

The hardware was designed by the lead developer of Cleanflight, Dominic
Clifton, to be more capable than the STM32F1-based boards after hearing feedback from the Cleanflight users, contributors and top-pilots.

* 36x36mm board with 30.5mm mounting holes.
* ~5 grams.
* STM32F3 CPU.
* High-Capacity Flash (Acro and Deluxe)
* MPU6050 accelerometer/gyro
* MS5611 barometer (Deluxe only)
* HMC5883 compass (Deluxe only)
* MicroUSB socket.
* 4x 4pin JST-SH sockets (I2C, SWD, 2xUART)
* 2x 8pin JST-SH sockets (PPM, PWM, SERIAL RX, GPIO, ADC, 3V, 5V, GND)
* 8x 3pin though-holes for pin headers for ESC/Servo connections.
* 2x 4pin though-holes for pin headers for 2x serial ports.
* 2x 2pin though-holes for pin headers for battery voltage and buzzer.