Pid tuning?


New member
I just flew a new build for the first time and kept all the stock betaflight pids and it flies very good straight and accurate and I dont hit any prop wash however if I do a throttle punch and then come off the throttle the nose of the quad goes makes it hard to try and yaw spins and power loops and such I'm terrible with pid tuning it doesn't seem to click for me so if someone could lend a hand that would be great thank you everyone


Elite member
What BF version are you using? What props, motors and FC are you running? What size is the quad?
Are you flying in pure acro?
Do you have RPM filtering on?


New member
What BF version are you using? What props, motors and FC are you running? What size is the quad?
Are you flying in pure acro?
Do you have RPM filtering on?
Bf 6.0, genfam props, iflight f4, it's a 240mm frame, acro mode and do I want rpm filtering?


Elite member
BF is up to 4.2 on development and 4.1 on release.
@PsyBorg Does this sound like I term? I always get which one is coming off the throttle and which one is going on.


Eternal Student
I'm pretty sure Bill (Psyborg) has left the building :(

As for the tune; you can try increasing the I gain on the axis that is going wonky, but you may find that you hate the way it flies after increasing it enough to solve the problem. I'd play with the anti-gravity settings if you're otherwise happy with it. Anti-gravity boosts I gain on rapid throttle changes.

This is a pretty old video, but I don't think much has changed except that it's now available as a feature as well as a mode.



New member
Hopefully @ElectriSean or @PsyBorg will have a firm answer. I suspect there’s a simple solution.
So i messed with my I term a bit went up and down and it did seem to help however I'm struggling to see which pitch is being affected I fix it one place and gets worse somewhere else on punch out the nose is dropping pretty hard once I cut throttle and doesn't seem to change much when I increase and decrease the I term when I do a power looping on my throttle cut the drone is drifting on the yaw axis at the top but once again seems like the I term isnt changing much unless I'm not adjusted it enough I went down and up about 20-40 units in either direction from the stock setting


New member
I'm pretty sure Bill (Psyborg) has left the building :(

As for the tune; you can try increasing the I gain on the axis that is going wonky, but you may find that you hate the way it flies after increasing it enough to solve the problem. I'd play with the anti-gravity settings if you're otherwise happy with it. Anti-gravity boosts I gain on rapid throttle changes.

This is a pretty old video, but I don't think much has changed except that it's now available as a feature as well as a mode.

And yes I did notice that as I changed the I term the quad starting flying in a pretty hard to control manner...I'm wondering what is causing this action cause i have no kickback or oversteer and the motors aren't hot when i land so from what i researched my p and d terms might not be perfect but they are close


Eternal Student
As I understand it, and I am by no means an expert, is that the I term is calculated over a longer period of time. It can't (by design) keep up with rapid throttle changes. That's the beauty of anti-gravity, it allows very high I gain, but only on rapid throttle changes. I haven't played with BF past version 3.5ish, so I have no idea what the defaults are like, but I imagine you can crank them up pretty high.


New member
Hopefully @ElectriSean or @PsyBorg will have a firm answer. I suspect there’s a simple solution.
I think I got it figured out did some looking through youtube last night and came across air mode not sure why I had it turned off in bf but I think turning that on is going to fix my issue well see once the rain clears up thanks for the help
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Elite member
Air mode is very useful. Glad you found out what your problem was!
When it’s fixed be sure to create a full backup of the settings, by using diff_all in CLI and saving the .txt file and by backing up on the main Betaflight screen.
I found the tuning notes on Betaflight’s release page very useful in getting a nice tune, one day I will learn black box tuning.