First things first, I'm a newbie and I haven't been able to fly my FT Vector (not a very smart first choice) because of so many rainy weekends.
To the point: I'm thinking of adding elevons to a bottle rocket.
It's the kind that builds air pressure on 2 liter bottles and launches them along with the minimal amounts of water inside when launched. I plan on having it launch high into the air, then glide and take control of the rocket from there.
No props and motors, or why would I even want to launch it that way in the first place?
I don't know how I might make a design that could function as both a rocket and a plane. I know this isn't a model rocket forum, but perhaps I could get some pointers on the plane part?
I also want to point out the fact that the bottle isn't that large, and I might even add a second bottle to increase space for wings and a longer fuselage (or body tube in model rocket terms).
Ph and I have no idea where this thread goes
First things first, I'm a newbie and I haven't been able to fly my FT Vector (not a very smart first choice) because of so many rainy weekends.
To the point: I'm thinking of adding elevons to a bottle rocket.
It's the kind that builds air pressure on 2 liter bottles and launches them along with the minimal amounts of water inside when launched. I plan on having it launch high into the air, then glide and take control of the rocket from there.
No props and motors, or why would I even want to launch it that way in the first place?
I don't know how I might make a design that could function as both a rocket and a plane. I know this isn't a model rocket forum, but perhaps I could get some pointers on the plane part?
I also want to point out the fact that the bottle isn't that large, and I might even add a second bottle to increase space for wings and a longer fuselage (or body tube in model rocket terms).
Ph and I have no idea where this thread goes