Simulator to Use on my MAC


Knower of useless information
Ahh yes... I have had problems....
disconnect usb
start aerofly
controller > scan
exit Aerofly
Start aerofly
connect usb
wait 60 seconds
controller > scan
select the joystick
go through clibration

if that does not work we can try something else... have you been able to verify that the dongle/joystick works in some other application?

First time it worked flawlessly... I then went to make a video for you and had problems....

Once it starts to work it works... On first startup the model may go full throttle in which case just move the sticks to their limits.... throttle will go to min immediately...

Pretty much THIS.

My dad has AeroFly RC 7 on his Mac, and I helped him to get his OrangeRX dongle to work with his DX8. The one other thing that you'll have to do when you connect up the USB dongle again is that you'll have to re-bind it (which takes like, 60 seconds, MAX, to do).

If you are not familiar with binding an OrangeRX on a Mac and using DSMX/Spektrum, here's how you do it:

1) Go in to your system Configuration on the transmitter (this process works for DX6/DX8 guaranteed; will most likely work with the higher radios, but I haven't tested to confirm as I don't know anyone with anything higher than a DX8) and create a new model. Name it Computer, or Mac, or something to identify it as your computer. This will be the model you use with your computer, as opposed to any of your FT models, anything else. When you want to use the simulator, you'll need to navigate to this model!!! Set it with all of the defaults; don't worry about setting up a glider/quad/etc., that'll all be done through the simulator. You just need the Yaw/Pitch/Throttle/Roll setup.

2) Once the model has been set up and saved, turn off the transmitter.

3) On the side of the USB dongle, there's a little button. Hold this button and insert the dongle into a USB slot. If you are putting it into a hub, make sure it is a powered hub (I tried it on a non-powered, hub, and it didn't work on my Mac Mini, so I'm going to recommend that you use a powered hub) or one of the USB slots on the Mac itself. Once inserted, the dongle should start flashing to indicate it is in bind mode.

4) Hold down the "Bind" button on your transmitter and turn it on. It should say it's binding, and bind almost immediately using DSMX.

IF IT DOES NOT BIND, DON'T PANIC!!! Turn off the transmitter, remove and re-insert the USB dongle while holding the button to re-enter bind mode. Then, try and move back a few feet from the computer, hold the bind button, and turn the transmitter back on. You might have to repeat these steps a few times to get it to bind; for some reason, if it's too close, the system has a hard time binding. I don't know the reason why, but other people have said the same thing about binding receivers in their planes, so I'd assume whatever the cause is for the receivers is the same for the dongle; I'm by no means a technical expert on that. LOL

Hope this helps!

Jeff Fozard

New member
Installed PicaSim on my mac using PlayonMac and did the hack to the icf file. Everything seems fine except that my dx4e which works just fine on AbsoluteRC but isn't recognized by PicaSim running through the windows emulator. Don't see any way to get it to control the software. Any thoughts?