Switching between 2 RC channels using a 3rd RC channel


New member

So I have a university project to make a quadcopter controlled by a naze32, an arduino and a radio receiver. We just have to use the arduino to make it hover, so we have pitch, yaw and roll going straight from the receiver to the naze32, and throttle coming from the arduino to the naze32. We have to have the option to flick a switch on the receiver to go in to manual control, so what I need is a piece of hardware that takes 3 inputs, 2 for the throttle from the receiver and the arduino, and one for the switch channel, and the position of the switch channel should determine which of the 2 throttle channels to output, like a relay except using PWM to switch channels. Does anyone know anything that can do this?



Eternal Student
Send the throttle and an aux channel to the arduino. Read the aux switch position and just pass the throttle signal through to the FC for manual control, and do whatever magic you like in the other switch position. No extra hardware required :)