First some real quick background. I first got into the hobby about 25 years ago. As you know back then everything was centered around gas (nitro) powered planes. I bought and built a lot of kits and had a lot of fun. Then "real life" kicked in and I slowly drifted away from the hobby. For one reason or another I just could not find time for it and I lost interest.
Flash forward 25 years. Now I find myself at a time in my life where I have more free time and though I dedicate a lot of that free time to my number one passion, playing guitar (hence the screen name fretsman), I have been looking for something else to direct my creative energy at.
Then as luck may have it I found your YouTube channel and website. I just wanted to say thank you to everyone from the FilteTest crew and also all the passionate people in the rc community that post and show support on the website. I have found the perfect medium to direct some of that creative energy at. Your passion for the hobby and willingness to share your knowledge is just inspirational.
I will be "getting back into the hobby" with one of the FliteTest "Anycopter" quad kits. Back when I was into the hobby (25 years ago, I feel a little old.. lol) there was nothing like FPV flying and I really want to learn and get into it. With a little luck and the help from the community here on FliteTest I hope to soon be recording and posting my own FPV videos. Not to mention the sweet swappable kits you guys have in the store. I really am amazed at how this hobby has progressed. 25 years ago there was no way you could build a sweet plane like the ones you guys have in the store for so cheap. Amazing....
Anyway, once again. THANK YOU!!! and keep up to excellent work. Rock ON!
Fretsman (Jose)
Flash forward 25 years. Now I find myself at a time in my life where I have more free time and though I dedicate a lot of that free time to my number one passion, playing guitar (hence the screen name fretsman), I have been looking for something else to direct my creative energy at.
Then as luck may have it I found your YouTube channel and website. I just wanted to say thank you to everyone from the FilteTest crew and also all the passionate people in the rc community that post and show support on the website. I have found the perfect medium to direct some of that creative energy at. Your passion for the hobby and willingness to share your knowledge is just inspirational.
I will be "getting back into the hobby" with one of the FliteTest "Anycopter" quad kits. Back when I was into the hobby (25 years ago, I feel a little old.. lol) there was nothing like FPV flying and I really want to learn and get into it. With a little luck and the help from the community here on FliteTest I hope to soon be recording and posting my own FPV videos. Not to mention the sweet swappable kits you guys have in the store. I really am amazed at how this hobby has progressed. 25 years ago there was no way you could build a sweet plane like the ones you guys have in the store for so cheap. Amazing....
Anyway, once again. THANK YOU!!! and keep up to excellent work. Rock ON!
Fretsman (Jose)