The FAA is Up to NO GOOD Again


Have they said how much it will cost to register an RC flying thingy? I had no issue with paying $5.00 to register my Piper Tri Pacer, but I have more RC flying whatevers than I have T-shirts in my daily wear rotation.


Elite member
And I know that at least CappyAmeric and probably more have heard the famous "ramp check" quote: "Hi, I'm from the FAA and I'm here to help you."
Too many times. I have wonderful friends who work as FAA inspectors - so I always assumed the best and for the most part my interaction with inspectors has been very good. My experience when the interaction was not ideal was almost always with inspectors who were “wannabes” who seemed to resent active professional pilots.

People assume the FAA knows what is going on in whatever they are involved with, but with exceptions, that is far from the case. At all phases of the Remote ID and UAS process, it has become clear that they are woefully uninformed.


Wake up! Time to fly!
I presented this idea when this all started over 2 years ago now and I got a bunch of stupid comments. Lets try this again and see if attitudes changed.

The Gubment has regulated us like REAL full scale aircraft for the most part. When real aircraft have incidents then it has to be documented and investigated. When there are flat out crashes. Local law cordons off and secures the area, the NTSB comes and investigates and the FAA makes a determination for the out come of the investigation.

Since these morons want to regulate us as REAL air craft then We just need to start calling local police to cordon off the area after a crash, have them call the NTSB to investigate and it may take a while and piss off a lot of people but in the end they would be swamped in tied up personnel, back logged to the ceiling with reports to be filed let alone getting any completed. The cost would immediately show the error in their ways. It is their own rules that would defeat them. Maybe even coordinate with local law and let them know what and why that would start happening.

Now how they proceed after that to side step having their pie to be able to eat it too well.. That would be the tell of just how corrupt and stupid things have actually gotten.

Personally I think the only way to get rid of the stupid is if the Aliens come and enslave, eat, or eradicate humanity or civil war evicts these knuckleheads from DC. Either way we are fast approaching that 300 year mark where all governments in history have ate itself from the inside with corruption. So the collapse is unavoidable at this point. Things like this will occur more and more until the general population snaps.

How many angry snowflakes do we have now with all this new ruckus gearing up?


Elite member
QUOTE: While it is not required, [YET!-Me] a CBO that elects to gather safety event reports is
strongly encouraged to submit the data voluntarily to the UAS Safety Team at CBOs should also inform
members that additional reporting requirements may apply (e.g., National
Transportation Safety Board (NTSB)). Refer to 49 CFR part 830. endquote

If you do report, I would imagine they would love to send the pilot the bill for the crash investigation. I know the fire department doesnt just put out your fire for free.
After reading the ac I get the feeling the Ama (cbos in general) basically wrote most of the actual regulations here because they are fine with making it illegal to fly in my backyard so I have to pay them for the privilege to fly at their field. It is frankensteins monster. Its going to come for you too.
woefully uninformed.
Nah man Ill say it again. Its too stupid to be stupid. They know what they're doing.
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Legendary member
I get the sentiment @PsyBorg but i dont have faith in that tactic as it only irritates the people at the bottom and not the top. They want our airspace because there are big pockets that see future profits in it and big business always likes big government to clear the way.


Elite member
Most people do not understand the significance of an out of control government regulating the airspace over their private property. They see airplanes fly overhead and think nothing of it - but I also doubt that they know that the FAA has jurisdiction over the air over their property from 1 millimeter to infinity. Anything, from a paper airplane to a quadcopter, that occupies that airspace can be regulated by the FAA - just because they say so…

It is past time to take the air over our property back.


Legendary member
One lesson from history that always seems to repeat, people dont recognize problems until its too late.

^actually, that whole series of videos is worth a watch, too funny! 🤣


Wake up! Time to fly!
One lesson from history that always seems to repeat, people dont recognize problems until its too late.

^actually, that whole series of videos is worth a watch, too funny! 🤣

Which is why I constantly bring up that whole 300 year corruption fact. No one listens or even tries to think about it. They go on in the snowflake world sucking up as many resources as they can while "compromising" their freedoms away bit by bit. The only good thing out of all that is we will get to see them same people when it hits the fan walking around looking for cell service instead of shelter and food stocks.


Wake up! Time to fly!
Ohh man I just came across this. It explains how I think and what I have perceived as the main problem with todays society in a more precise manor. It actually applies to exactly AND exactly what is going on in the world today. Pay attention to it and if need be stop and rewatch sections until you get it it. This explains MANY people on here whos actions and reactions to things have made me go WTF.. So check this out and for Gods sake Ralph... take a look at yourself. Man that is enlightening.



Elite member
Ohh man I just came across this. It explains how I think and what I have perceived as the main problem with todays society in a more precise manor. It actually applies to exactly AND exactly what is going on in the world today. Pay attention to it and if need be stop and rewatch sections until you get it it. This explains MANY people on here whos actions and reactions to things have made me go WTF.. So check this out and for Gods sake Ralph... take a look at yourself. Man that is enlightening.

Ya thats a great video. Just about the only thing missing is some Yuri Bezmenov.

Getting back to the faa, I agree there should be zero regulations on rc. We operate in our airspace and the manned planes stay in theirs. Really the only exceptions are the airports and the crop dusters and I love them but they should probly give 48 hrs notice for us and kites and stuff. Also I know my neighbor has bees and he tries to get a heads up so he can lock them in at night so they dont get insecticided directly, but I think thats just because he asks nicely, not a government program.

Also Im not a lawyer, but doesnt radioID violate the 5th amendment?


Wake up! Time to fly!
Ya thats a great video. Just about the only thing missing is some Yuri Bezmenov.

Getting back to the faa, I agree there should be zero regulations on rc. We operate in our airspace and the manned planes stay in theirs. Really the only exceptions are the airports and the crop dusters and I love them but they should probly give 48 hrs notice for us and kites and stuff. Also I know my neighbor has bees and he tries to get a heads up so he can lock them in at night so they dont get insecticided directly, but I think thats just because he asks nicely, not a government program.

Also Im not a lawyer, but doesnt radioID violate the 5th amendment?

The whole point of that link was to show how what the gubment (AKA F.A.A. in our specific case) is using that fear they create and manipulate and how it correlates to the divided factions within our hobby and so many staying in the "Lets Compromise" camp because its just easier then making any effort. It also shows that even the laws the OG government wrote have zero meaning to the ones in power now. Amended Rights hold no meaning to them. That corruption has peaked and will soon hit that free fall spiral to its end the direction they are heading in all aspects of ruling over the general population not just our hobby.