The Orange Rx 6ch Gets a Nice Improvement


Misfit Multirotor Monkey
Hobby King announces the old reliable 6ch is getting a nice upgrade with PPM and DSMX.

Of course they are also bumping the price $3. Still, I have had several and never had an issue with them and easily get more than enough for LOS. Many people have tested it out to a half mile or more.


It would be much cooler if the transmitter module or transmitters were ever in stock. I'm starting to look at hobbyking / orangerx like the concept cars at the auto show. Sure they look cool but they aren't actually for sale.


i am expectnig them to release an update to the orange T Six very soon, as Hobbyking's usual process is sell all the products and not restock as a new one is coming out. A couple of weeks ago i saw a hobbyking daily video showing the new one, but its since been taken down. the only new feature was the fact that it now has a 3 position switch rather than a 2... not sure if they have decided to tweak other things too. but at the time that was the only change.