I think it would be fun to revisit this, as well as the Stiletto. I learned a lot from the iterations I did, and I feel like I could end up with some pretty nice results if I kept at it. Major sources of improvement are material choice, design, and electronics. Since concluding these experiments, I've bought a couple of fairly large (for me at least) 4s batteries, which would be a much better fit for this. I also know that the Elmer's foamboard I had been using was absolutely the wrong choice. It's stronger, sure, but it's so much heavier than Adam's or FT foam that it's not at all worth it for a whole plane. The design of the Stiletto was actually getting close to something I would've been happy with, but the Sabre as it ended up was never meant to be anything more than a test bed for the wing I had built. I had plans to make it a fully original design, but the time investment required kind of scared me away.