Still Learning
I've always loved the way a tricopter flies, and so am considering building one. When I first got started in multi-rotor, naze32 was the board to get (rev5 at the time). What is a reasonable board to use these days? All I need is basic cleanflight/betaflight support and the board needs to support tricopters. I plan to use the standard electrohub/boom tough-tilt servo setup. I will use the flitetest supplied powerpack - D, I think? Whichever one is designed for these. Perhaps carbon fiber booms, but maybe wood. Carbon fiber would allow me to hide wiring, but I would need to be careful with wire routing so as to avoid rubbing and shorting. I will likely use a FrSky D4-RII receiver or similar. I have a number of similar ones, so whatever is free at the moment. CPPM....?