I started watching my father try to fly RC plane in the early 1980’s. He bought a 2 channel Cox .049 Cessna. He never flew well and spent most of his time patching it back together with foam egg cartons and a soldering iron. He finally destroyed it completely and built a balsa frame and installed the motor and electronics. He never completed it and in the early 2000’s, I finished covering it with MonoKote and attempted flying it. I ended up with a 4 foot trench in a gravel pit. I then bought a 4 channel Tower Hobbies trainer and found a few guys that actually knew how to fly. They helped me with the assistance of buddy boxes and I was able to fly. The strange thing that has I’ve never been able to fly solely with the rudder. I’m very proficient with ailerons , but if I’m limited to 3 channels with rudder only then it is a guaranteed crash. I’ve tried model with massive dihedral and only rudder, only to fail miserably. I’m able to use the rudder with ailerons but can not control the roll with rudder only.
Am I the only one that has this problem? I’m dumbfounded that most people start with only rudder and 3 channels.
Am I the only one that has this problem? I’m dumbfounded that most people start with only rudder and 3 channels.