I'm thinking about converting my spider quad to a V-Tail or A-Tail to try to address some of the yaw problems that I'm having.
At least for MultiWii, it seems like A-tail should be preferable to V-tail, because with MultiWii's default motor directions, A-tail results in the motor torque working with you instead of against you. In other words on a flat quad, to yaw CW, you would spin up the back-left motor, which is spinning CCW, and you would spin down the back-right motor, which is spinning CW. Therefore, the back-left motor on a V or A-tail should point to the right, so that it pushes the quad CW when it spins up, both through thrust vector and through torque.
If the motors are tilted 20 degrees, that means that they are putting 22% of their thrust to the side, and 78% downward. Therefore, should the "pitch" parameter for the rear motors be increased by 22% to compensate?
I have seen people suggest that the roll parameter for the rear motors should be set to zero, because those motors are so close to the center-line. Then only the front motors participate in roll. Any thoughts on that?
Should the front motors have any yaw mixed into them, or is it better to let the angled (rear) motors do all of the yawing?
At least for MultiWii, it seems like A-tail should be preferable to V-tail, because with MultiWii's default motor directions, A-tail results in the motor torque working with you instead of against you. In other words on a flat quad, to yaw CW, you would spin up the back-left motor, which is spinning CCW, and you would spin down the back-right motor, which is spinning CW. Therefore, the back-left motor on a V or A-tail should point to the right, so that it pushes the quad CW when it spins up, both through thrust vector and through torque.
If the motors are tilted 20 degrees, that means that they are putting 22% of their thrust to the side, and 78% downward. Therefore, should the "pitch" parameter for the rear motors be increased by 22% to compensate?
I have seen people suggest that the roll parameter for the rear motors should be set to zero, because those motors are so close to the center-line. Then only the front motors participate in roll. Any thoughts on that?
Should the front motors have any yaw mixed into them, or is it better to let the angled (rear) motors do all of the yawing?