Well I was in the RC hobby a long time ago...


Hostage Taker of Quads
Staff member
Kind of hard to fly the radio! ;)

Naw. flies just fine -- all the way to the scene of the crash.

The camera wrist strap is a great idea -- need a decent one or the force of the swing will make it pointless, but far less of the "get in your way".

Now need to find a good one . . .


The Geeky Pilot
I mostly still use a neckstrap on my taranis as well. The first time I saw a reason to get rid of it, was when I started flying DLG's. It really helps to hold the transmitter and use it as a counterweight and pull it in when you throw the DLG. Kinda hard to do with a neckstrap, so now Im using an old camera wrist band to ensure I launch the plane, and not the radio lol.

Thats cool My first hand launch ever when I went to put my hand back on the TX i hit the rudder trim all the way to the left. It circled around me at a 90 degree bank 4 times before catching the wing and cart wheeling throwing the battery through the front of the aircraft making it explode and breaking off the tail.. I repaired it that night and did a perfect flight the next day. I build the airplane from a kit took me probably 40 hours. LOL.. Now days people have simulators and foam EPP aircraft. Back then we would crash real mens airplanes when learning. :D Again back to people now days are spoiled.