I'm not sure the TT needs landing gear.
If I were going to put gear on the TT, I would use the wire from the thickest coat hanger I could find. Then bend the wire to resemble something like the picture below. There are 2 ways to attach this gear. The first is to stick the U shape from the bottom of the fuse upwards into the fuse. FT uses this method on some planes. I prefer the second way. Bend the U shape 90 degrees, then use zip ties to attach it to the bottom of the fuse. I always glue some tongue depressor type hobby sticks to the fuse as mounting points, I put 2 inside & 2 outside the fuse. Run the sticks lengthwise, with the fuse, not across. You will want the wheals to be slightly forward of the leading edge of the wing. A large dab of hot glue is all that is needed to keep the wheals from coming off. You will also want some toe in on the wheals, make them point to an imagery spot 5 to 10 feet in front of the fuse. This will help the plane taxi straight. When you have a rough landing, the gear will bend, saving damage to the plane. This gear is easily bent back into shape. On heaver planes a stiffer wire will be needed, you will jus have to see what you have locally. I have had great results with a music wire, which is a hardened spring steel type if wire. It has nothing to do with music, no idea why it is called music wire. Old political signs & the wire around an old mattress are a good source for music wire.