
  1. I

    F550 Naza M-lite jumps on gps and atti

    Hi Last week a upgraded my f550 form LibrePilot Revo to Naza M-lite and the atti and gps mode seams weard. Jumps sometimes, then stay perfect on the atti and next start to jups again couple of times. I record my flight so everyone can watch that and help me with that. Before i upgrade form...
  2. J

    DJI E300 ESC issue setting up F550 w/ CC3D

    I'm setting up my F550 using a CC3D board and when I go to the motor calibration part of the set up when I plug the battery in I immediately get the "abnormal signal" beeping. Using a DX8 with the regular receiver. I haven't been able to figure out what could be causing it I also posted on the...
  3. D

    DJI F550 Hexacopter wobble too much on flight

    Hello Everyone I just finish re-building a F550 Hexacopter after a big crash, replaced the damaged ESC and propellers, I am a newbie and no one i know has experience with Hexacopters, only with Quads. When I take off slowly (on GPS, i have not tried on manual) it tends to do a 360 on the...
  4. A

    Benefits of Carbon Fibre Props

    Hi All, I've got to the point with my 550 that I feel I'm ready for some carbon fiber props, I've not broke a prop in at least 3 flights! ;). Before I shell out my hard earned money, what are the benefits of using carbon fiber props? Thanks Aran