Hi there is there a way to scale the pizza box plane? I just found 2 scaled versions (from the site from the build video) + has someone experience with the mini corsair buid out of cardboard?
Hello everybody,
I know it might be a bit early, but I was wondering if somebody had converted the FT corsair pdf plans into a vector file that can be used to laser cut. I know it's a lot to ask, but living in Aus it's too expensive to get the speed build kit and I'm absolutely rubbish at...
Having the tape holding the leading edge in place allows to bottom wing skin angle to line up so I can easily fold it back to apply glue to the spar. Much easier than dripping glue into the wing cavity trying to get it where it needs to go.
Hi guis!
In my main projekt (Dc3) i runned out of glue so i decided to built something else over the weekend.
I like the shape of the corsair and i ever wanted to have a warbird :D.
Anyway i had the problem, that you can´t get a 4 channel reciver from Multiplex and at the FT Corsair the ailerons...