ft edge 540

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    top plate
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    fuse top plate
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    mega monster ft edge
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    mega monster ft edge
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    mega monster ft edge
  11. teerthwarang

    Edge 540 out of Raw Depron! Rebuilt

    Hey guys! I built a EDGE 540 from Flite Test plans few days ago and this is how it came together! Thanks to Andrews for making such a great plane!
  12. FT Edge 540

    FT Edge 540

    This was also built as part of a group build and is not the first time I built the model thus the build was cleaner. The paint job for this build was insprised by the hot rod car designs.
  13. Salmonslaya


    Just started mine. Going for the Red Bull Air Racer look.
  14. OlliePackman

    Help! Edge decals

    Does anybody know where to get the Red Bull decals for my FT Edge 540 like the one used in the flite test video.
  15. mayan

    Mini Edge 540 Build

    Let’s all get on the same page. I recently built and flown the FT Edge 540 and find it a extremely fun and strong airframe, prefect for me to practice my aerobatics with. You can read more about that experience here: However it’s hard for me to take it to the field and requires that I have an...
  16. mayan

    Hobby Newbie Learning Diary; Family Included!

    Hey All, I fell in love with the hobby looking for something to use as a bonding for me and my son. We started through paper planes, moved to balsa wood gliders and now trying RC. You can read more about how we started and the first experience that we had trying to fly for the first time with...