I'm revisiting one of my previous balsa models... I did some weight saving by moving servos from wings into the nose, so I'm re-covering the fuse and decided to change some colors and add some patterns to the wings...
but... can I add fairly large area of tissue to an already doped ( eze-dope ) wing?
This would be a large triangular curved piece of tissue from wing root out to half way up the wing..
When doing tissue work, I haven't found any video's on adding extra color or decals, just lots of vids on how to cover a model.
I've patched small tears and holes before, but not tried any large areas, where 2 colors have to be on top of each other.
Is this a no-no, or is it do-able ?
any advice appreciated. Thanks.
but... can I add fairly large area of tissue to an already doped ( eze-dope ) wing?
This would be a large triangular curved piece of tissue from wing root out to half way up the wing..
When doing tissue work, I haven't found any video's on adding extra color or decals, just lots of vids on how to cover a model.
I've patched small tears and holes before, but not tried any large areas, where 2 colors have to be on top of each other.
Is this a no-no, or is it do-able ?
any advice appreciated. Thanks.