Aeolian Outrunner


Junior Member
Hi all, I have a brand new Aeolian outrunner motor, I didn't know what Kv it was so I used the watt meter with 2200 11.1 35c lipo, when I ran it full throttle and checked with the tacho, its was 10000rpm reading 11.13v on the meter, if I have done this correctly, dividing the rpm by volts gave me just under 900kv, but the motor is only 28mm od 32mm long, just thought that's a small motor for that kv. And also can I use a 14.8v 3300 25-50c lipo with 500kv motor in my 1400mm Zero, when I got another plane the bloke through it in with the purchase, only asking because if it cant be used with this then I will get rid of it.