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AeroTechPlanes Mini T-28 Trojan Chuck Glider. - Plans For A 20 Inch Wingspan T-28 Trojan Chuck Glider
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AeroTechPlanes Mini T-28 Trojan Chuck Glider. - Plans For A 20 Inch Wingspan T-28 Trojan Chuck Glider
This is a small T-28 Trojan that I designed a few months ago. I am only 13 years old right now, and this is my first design. I will tell you that it's not the most exact plans you have ever seen, but it does look and fly good. It is not RC, but I'm working on RC plans right now.
The wingspan is just under 20 inches, and pay attention that in the plans, the full sheet of foam board is 20 by 15 inches because that is the biggest size that will fit into my schools laser cutter. There is some...
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