Had to wait until today due to wind and rain. Got out with my brother again. Unfortunately the wife was busy and couldn't come to video for me. My brother brought his drone out and said he wanted to film with it. That's what we did and it didn't turn out as good as we would have liked but it is what it is. Bro hasn't flown his drone in quite some time and has never tried to follow a RC plane with it. So there are flashes of P40 here and there!! Some nice footage of the area at least. No sound though. Videos are best viewed in 4k. even if your running 1080 hd. Otherwise its pretty fuzzy.
I actually used up both of my lipo's today for the first time ever!! That alone feels like an accomplishment!!! Got about 7 or 8 mins of flight time total. Again unfortunately most is not recorded
So here is the very end of my first flight which was my best as far as I'm concerned. I was again just flying around having fun. Flight plan went out the window but it turned out ok. My brother didn't realize he wasn't recording until I was almost out of battery. But he did catch the rough landing.
I wish he had gotten more footage of the first flight, but like I said it's his first time and he definitely needs practise. So I put in my second 3s 2200 and got a toss back into the air. This flight was much the same. No flight plan. Just have fun and do some rolls and loops. I do one roll past the drone that he actually caught on video! He caught more of the second flight but still missed a fair bit of it. I crashed because I was coming in for a landing and got disoriented. You can just catch the crash in there.
So I walk of shame over to the general to check it out and find it ain't too bad.
After a quick looksee I find a small crack in the other wing. Luckily It stopped at my reinforcement.
I had planned on building a new plane so I chucked the general again. By myself with an underhand toss this time and it went pretty good. But I heard the prop hitting the nose of the fuselage on a close pass and brought it back in as soon as I heard it. This Video just catches what was probably my best landing ever. Broke the prop though dang it!!!!
Well both lipos at about 55% after this so I didn't replace the prop. The General is starting to get kinda ragged. I think it's rebuild time. My brother thinks I should mount it on the wall seeing as it's still in one piece. Maybe I will. Had a blast as usual today. Next time I promise I'll find a way to get it filmed on a phone or something so you see the whole thing!! Who knows maybe bro will get some skills at filming the plane with his drone lol.
I'm going to leave you with one more video. It's my brother flying around the area to finish his battery after I'm done flying the P40. You can check out my flying area. Again sorry there wasn't a lot to see of my flights but there is some and hopefully next time will be better. Well I got a plane to build !!!!