Anyone have experience with the ft simple cub?


New member
I want to get one, I absolutely love piper cubs and I have a large balsa wood model with a glow engine, but I also have 0 confidence to fly it.
Thus I'm looking at the ft cub. How does cinema hd it fly? Anything I should know?
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Techno Nut
I built one this year. It is not my easiest or most stable plane to fly. Part of the problem I was having was flex in the control rods for the tail. I used tubes to keep them from flexing which helped quite a bit. Also, not the cub's fault, but had a couple sagging batteries that were causing issues. It's not a slow flyer, so weak batteries can aggravate other issues, especially if trying to take off from a grass field.


Site Moderator
I've built, flown & crashed two. I'm with @LitterBug, it's not the easiest plane to fly but far from the hardest. It is a very easy build, though. If you build one reinforce the trailing edge of the wing where the rubber bands go to keep the rubber bands from deforming the wing. Why not build a Tutor & do it in Cub colors?

Cub1.jpg Cub2.jpg


Active member
The ft cub was the first ft plane I built and flew. It has been by far the easiest to build because the glueing does not require much skill, thus building your technique.
My ONE problem with it is that there is little space for the big electronics it requires. It can be quite finicky to set things up inside of the plane.
All in all it gives plenty of room to mess up when building it as the way it flies is pretty much uniform unless your missing an entire wing.


Well-known member
What is your experience flying? If you have ZERO experience then I'd start with something like the FT Explorer. It's an easy build and a VERY forgiving trainer. Once you've got confident flying that you can move to the cub.

If you have experience flying and simply want to learn the techniques of foam board, the cub is a good choice.

As has been mentioned, while it's an "easier" plane to fly, it's not the easiest, and has a few quirks. It's the first plane I actually got flying (after several disasters) and I enjoyed it enough to build a second one after the first one suffered too much abuse (turns out flying is easier than landing), but if I'm honest, I really learned to FLY mainly with the simple Scout. And I still have one of those...well, three actually, I have an electronicless mini in the garage and a micro version above my desk.

You can certainly try learning to fly on the scout, just be forgiving of yourself should you have trouble at first, and be prepared to repair it a bit.

The Tutor, as has been mentioned, is a better flying and better constructed plane. And you could certainly paint a tutor with Cub coloring.